Zebra DevTalk | Cloud Connect for RFID | Sept 16 2020

Stacey Kruczek -



RFID readers are difficult to set up and manage.  They have always required on-premise servers to be functional.  With Cloud Connect for RFID, Zebra is taking the complexity out.  Access and manage your readers directly from the cloud through rest web APIs.  Get on-reader filtering of tag events sent directly to your servers, anywhere.  Let businesses avoid server costs and put fully-functional RFID in more places—retail, fast food, pharmacy, and others.  Join this DevTalk as we show you how to set up a reader and start managing it from the cloud.


Presented by Robin West, Software Engineer,  Zebra Technologies


You Tube Video coming soon !  


Stacey Kruczek

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2 Replies

R Robin West

The slide deck is now attached to this post.
- Robin

R Raja Karuppasamy

Hello folks,
I am a newbie to work with any type of printers; so pls excuse if the terminologies I used here are different. I have a web app hosted in Salesforce cloud platform. My requirement is to add printing option enabled in my web page in Salesforce to print directly to Zebra ZD620 printer. Salesforce provides its own hybrid mobile app in both android and IOS platforms. I want this option to work in all platforms - Android, IOS and also in Windows and OSx operation systems.
I am considering BrowserPrint option so that using Javascript library in my web page, I can invoke printing via local wireless network that the printer is connected to (from Salesforce mobile app, ipads or from desktops). I have few questions before starting this with -
1. Will BrowserPrint work in all the operation systems that I mentioned?
2. When I downloaded BrowserPrint SDK, I got this "zebra-browser-print-js-v30216". Is this the latest version that I can try?
3. My understanding is BrowserPrint will work only if we install respective OS drivers in the devices
4. If driver app is mandatory, I can get driver only for Android from here: <a href="https://www.zebra.com/us/en/support-downloads/printer-software/by-reque…;. This page says if I need driver for Windows &amp; OSx, I should email Zebra customer care which I did 2 days back but no response yet. Is there any other ways to get driver software?
5. For BrowserPrint to work, is it sufficient to have Js library and respective driver in my devices?
6. Our primary requirement is to trigger print via local wireless network and from mobile devices and ipads (some cases desktops as well). If there is any other reliable technology from Browserprint, please advise.
Any suggestions or help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
** I am posting here because I couldn't find an option in the community to start a new post. Any suggestion on this as well will be helpful :)
***** UPDATE *****
I have solved the use case using latest Zebra feature 'SendFileToPrinter'. This technology uses simple REST API call and works for all operating systems