RhoMobile Suite 5.0 is Available

Robert Galvin -

What is new in this release:

  • RhoMobile Suite 5.0 features a completely redesigned licensing model.
    • From 5.0 you no longer purchase licenses to run on a specific device or that are tied to a specific application, instead licenses are purchased on a per-developer basis and integrated with the rebrandedRhomobile.com website, the Rho cloud build solution.
    • Full details of the new license model are available from http://docs.rhomobile.com/en/edge/guide/licensing and that page is worth a quick read before getting started with 5.0.
    • You will need a developer account before you can start building your applications with 5.0.
  • Relaunch of our cloud build solution
    • A complete redesign of our cloud build offering, now branded Rhomobile.com.
    • RhoMobileSuite 4.x builds can now be executed in the cloud.
    • Integration with RhoStudio and our new license model gives seamless transition between cloud building and building locally on your machine.
    • Performance enhancements to our cloud build will greatly decrease the length of time required to build most applications.
  • Runtime and startup performance improvements; you should notice an improvement in application performance when using applications built in RhoMobile Suite 5.0, particularly on Windows Mobile / CE.
  • We continue our beta support for Motorola Solutions' 'SimulScan' product
  • Support for a new device: MC32N0 CE7.0. Support for the Android variant of that platform will be available closer to that product launch
  • New common API for AudioCapture
  • Support for Android KitKat consumer devices. Support for Motorola Solutions' KitKat devices will be available closer to those product launches.
  • Additional bug fixes

Robert Galvin

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