DEVTALK - The New Xamarin SDK and Adding Printer Security Wednesday, Jan. 16th @10:00 am CDT

Stacey Kruczek -

The Link-OS team has made a number of updates to the .NET SDK.  It now supports Xamarin, .NET Core, and .NET Framework.  This webinar will review how to use this updated library to code once and adds printing functionality to multiple frameworks.  We'll walk through some of the new capabilities for this library with Xamarin. 


As part of this webinar, learn how to add security features to your applications so you can provide Enterprise grade software to your customers.   Zebra takes security very seriously and strives to make sure our printers are secure as possible.  In this webinar, we'll show several methods to lock down printers and secure communications.  We'll go through this using the updated SDK, but these techniques can be used in multiple platforms.



Presented by:  Robin West, Zebra Solution Architect



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Stacey Kruczek

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