Industry News - Week of Feb. 25, 2019

Edward Correia -

IN THIS ISSUE: JFrog Acquires Shippable; 10 Firecracker Facts; Sweden Could Ditch Cash; Google App Rejection on the Rise; Aging CMS Systems; Top 10 Languages of 2018; Salesforce Targets Mobile Apps; Enterprise Trends in 2019

JFrog Acquires Shippable

The maker of the Artifactory repository management system, JFrog​​ has lapped up Shippable, which specializes in DevOps and CI.

10 Key Firecracker Facts

Firecracker is a microVM introduced late last year by Amazon Web Services that can deploy cloud-based app functions without a server.

Sweden: How to Live in the World's First Cashless Society

Sweden To Go Cashless

Tech-loving Sweden--the first country to employ banknotes--could be the first country to do away with cash altogether.

Google App Rejection on the Rise

Predictably, as Google raises the bar for acceptance in its Play Store, the number of rejected apps increased, and most from the same sources.

CMS Showing Signs of Age?

Organizations using a CMS invented in the 90s might benefit from shifting to something a bit more modern.

Most Sought-after Languages of 2018

A slideshow of the most requested programming languages according to job websites. Spoiler: Java, Python and JavaScript are the top three.

Salesforce Unveils Low-code Mobile Dev Solution

Lightning Platform Mobile extends the company's development platform with features for quickly developing apps for mobile devices.

2019 Trends for Enterprise Software Development

JavaScript, container-based micro services and automated testing are a few of the trends for this year. Is your organization ready?

Parting Thoughts...


Edward Correia

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