Industry News - Week of May 6, 2019

Edward Correia -

IN THIS ISSUE: AWS Dominance Grows; Teaching Criminals to Code; MIT Makes Heat-conductive Polymer; Oracle v. Google Goes to Supreme Court; MS Adds 'Decision' to Azure; Amazon Warehouse Robots a Decade Away

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AWS Still the 'Big Kahuna'

Jeff Bezos has reason to smile. In 2018, revenues from Amazon Web Services grew by 41 percent, making it bigger than comparable services from Google and Microsoft combined.

Inmates Have an App for That

Hold onto your digital wallets. A new program in the UK is teaching convicted felons how to build applications, in theory to help them function legally in society upon release from prison.

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New Polymer Has Application in Electronics

Engineers at MIT have flipped the script on the insulative properties of polymers, which reportedly can now conduct or dissipate heat rather than trap it. This has the potential for polymer materials to replace metal as a heat exchanger.

Oracle v. Google Goes to Supreme Court

In the latest development in the 9-plus year copyrights battle between Oracle and Google over 37 Java APis in Android operating system, Google in January petitioned the U.S. Supreme Court to review the case and end it once and for all.

Microsoft Takes Azure to School

Redmond is reportedly educating Azure Cognitive Services with a new service called Decision, which it says will provide user-specific recommendations to help users make better choices.

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Amazon Warehouse Robots Still 10 Years Off

Though the company is investing heavily in warehouse automation through robotics, Amazon says that implementation of a totally automated system is still about a decade away. 


Edward Correia

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