HD4000 showJim() does not work

L Lukas Probst 1 year 6 months ago
57 0 0

Hello everyone,

I wanted to show some Json Image Models on the HD4000. Unfortunataly, that doesn't work for me. 
The string is a valid json string, also its connected. Displaying normal text or android views work fine as well.
The returned byte array d is null.
Any ideas?

Kind regards
Lukas Probst

String jsonImageModel = "{" +
        "\"ver\": \"1.0\"," +
        "\"widgets\": [" +
        "{" +
        "\"data\": \"TEST123\"," +
        "}" +
        "]" +
byte[] d = zebraHud.showJim(jsonImageModel);
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.getInstance().getApplicationContext(), Arrays.toString(d), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
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