Help with tab delimited barcode input VB.NET.

E Eduardo Romero 10 months ago
26 0 0


I'm in the final stages of developing a system for printing labels stored in the printer. The current challenge I'm facing is ensuring the correct transmission of a string formatted for PDF-417 barcode. The string is a concatenation of different variables, and it's required that each string is tab delimited. I've organized all the variables in a dictionary to facilitate passing them to the printer's format, but no success with the tab delimited. I may require to use ZPL, I tried with different ways with no success. 

        ' Variables dictionary with values for Label stored in printer 
       Dim variablesDictionary As New Dictionary(Of Integer, String) From {
   {1, TextBoxSupplierID.Text},
   {2, TextBoxClientNumber.Text},
   {3, TextBoxRevision.Text},
   {4, TextBoxWorkOrder.Text},
   {5, $"{TextBoxSupplierID.Text}\t{TextBoxClientNumber.Text}\t{TextBoxRevision.Text}\t{TextBoxWorkOrder.Text}"}

Thank you!

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