Interact with Content Provider through EB

T Theuns Kruger 5 months 1 week ago
17 0 0


For two days I have been working on getting the test mobile computer (MC9450) to give me an image as well as scanned barcodes. The barcode scanning with the API, as well as DW I got the hang of. What I am struggling is the get the image content from DW after doing a Free Form Image Capture. I am fully aware this image is not a high quality full color image, but I need it because the device I bought does not include a camera, both front and back camera as not in this specific device, so this is all I have.
Like I said, the barcode scanning I do, I get the Intent data from DW, but I cannot figure out how to interact with the content provider using the content uri in the image intent data. Importantly I need to do this thorugh EB, I cannot use a native app. I feel like this needs to be possible because the Zebra Showcase shows the image after scanning, and it runs in EB right?
Any pointers to documentation, or specific help will be appreciated.

Just to make it clear this is an exmaple uri I get from DW: content://com.symbol.datawedge.decode/{GUID}
My Config.xml has this inside:
  <EnableReceiver  value="1"/>
  <IntentAction  value="com.symbol.dw.action"/>
  <IntentCategory  value=""/>

I hope someone can help me.

Thank you

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