Scanner Config for ITF(2 of 5) / Code-2of5 Interleaved in EMDK Library - Xamarin

R Rakesh R Nair 3 years 10 months ago
142 1 0

I am trying to scan ITF(2 of 5) / Code-2of5 Interleaved barcode using emdk for Xamarin but which not working in my application.
I believe the issue is something related to my configuration. But not sure what went wrong in my code. Please find the source code I am using for your reference.
# I am attaching the barcode which I am trying to scan for your reference.
# Also Please find the Full sample app, That may help you to debug.
Link to download the sample app.
public class EMDKWrapper : Java.Lang.Object, EMDKManager.IEMDKListener
#region Properties
EMDKManager _emdkManager;
BarcodeManager _barcodeManager;
Scanner _scanner;
Context pageContext;
#region Delegates
public Action ScannedDataResponse;
#region .ctor
public EMDKWrapper(Context context)
pageContext = context;
#region Public Methods
public void InitializeScanner()
var results = EMDKManager.GetEMDKManager(pageContext, this);
if (results.StatusCode != EMDKResults.STATUS_CODE.Success)
Toast.MakeText(pageContext, "Error opening the EMDK Manager", ToastLength.Long).Show();
Toast.MakeText(pageContext, "EMDK Manager is available", ToastLength.Long).Show();
public void InitScanner()
if (_emdkManager != null)
if (_barcodeManager == null)
//Get the feature object such as BarcodeManager object for accessing the feature.
_barcodeManager = (BarcodeManager)_emdkManager.GetInstance(EMDKManager.FEATURE_TYPE.Barcode);
_scanner = _barcodeManager.GetDevice(BarcodeManager.DeviceIdentifier.Default);
if (_scanner != null)
//Attahch the Data Event handler to get the data callbacks.
_scanner.Data += Scanner_Data;
//Attach Scanner Status Event to get the status callbacks.
_scanner.Status += Scanner_Status;
//EMDK: Configure the scanner settings
var config = _scanner.GetConfig();
config.SkipOnUnsupported = ScannerConfig.SkipOnUnSupported.None;
config.ScanParams.DecodeLEDFeedback = true;
config.ReaderParams.ReaderSpecific.ImagerSpecific.PicklistEx = ScannerConfig.PicklistEx.Software;
config.DecoderParams.Code39.Enabled = true;
config.DecoderParams.Code93.Enabled = true;
config.DecoderParams.Code128.Enabled = true;
config.DecoderParams.Ean8.Enabled = true;
config.DecoderParams.Ean13.Enabled = true;
config.DecoderParams.Pdf417.Enabled = true;
config.DecoderParams.I2of5.Enabled = true;
catch (ScannerException e)
Console.WriteLine(@"InitScanner :: ScannerException -> {0}", e.Message);
// ignored
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine(@"InitScanner :: Exception -> {0}", ex.Message);
// ignored
public void DeinitScanner()
if (_emdkManager != null)
if (_scanner != null)
_scanner.Data -= Scanner_Data;
_scanner.Status -= Scanner_Status;
catch (ScannerException e)
Console.WriteLine(@"InitScanner :: ScannerException -> {0}", e.Message);
// ignored
if (_barcodeManager != null)
_barcodeManager = null;
_scanner = null;
/// Method to toggle the Scanner
public void ToggleScanner(bool status)
if (status)
if (null != _scanner && !_scanner.IsEnabled)
if (null != _scanner && _scanner.IsEnabled)
catch (Exception)
#region Events
void Scanner_Data(object sender, Scanner.DataEventArgs e)
var scanDataCollection = e.P0;
if ((scanDataCollection != null) && scanDataCollection.Result == ScannerResults.Success)
var scanData = scanDataCollection.GetScanData();
var data = scanData[0];
void Scanner_Status(object sender, Scanner.StatusEventArgs e)
//EMDK: The status will be returned on multiple cases. Check the state and take the action.
StatusData.ScannerStates state = e.P0.State;
if (state == StatusData.ScannerStates.Idle)
if (_scanner.IsEnabled && !_scanner.IsReadPending)
catch (ScannerException ex)
Console.WriteLine(@"InitScanner :: ScannerException -> {0}", ex.Message);
// ignored
if (state == StatusData.ScannerStates.Waiting)
Console.WriteLine(@"InitScanner :: Status -> {0}", StatusData.ScannerStates.Waiting);
if (state == StatusData.ScannerStates.Scanning)
Console.WriteLine(@"InitScanner :: Status -> {0}", StatusData.ScannerStates.Scanning);
if (state == StatusData.ScannerStates.Disabled)
Console.WriteLine(@"InitScanner :: Status -> {0}", StatusData.ScannerStates.Disabled);
if (state == StatusData.ScannerStates.Error)
Console.WriteLine(@"InitScanner :: Status{0} -> ", StatusData.ScannerStates.Error);
#region IEMDKListener
public void OnClosed()
if (_emdkManager != null)
_emdkManager = null;
public void OnOpened(EMDKManager manager)
_emdkManager = manager;
public new void Dispose()
// Dispose
//Clean up the emdkManager
if (_emdkManager == null) return;
//EMDK: Release the EMDK manager object
_emdkManager = null;
_barcodeManager = null;
_scanner = null;
I am using Zebra TC 56 & 57 for testing

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1 Replies

D Darryn Campbell

Hi, it is not obvious from the EMDK for Xamarin sample (…) but if you take a look at the EMDK for Android sample (…) you will see that the decoders are being set whilst the scanner is IDLE.  Please move your call to set the scanner config to just before your call to and I2of5 should now be enabled

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