Symbol.RFID3.Host.dll read tags with configuration anntennas

M Matous Rathouzsky 9 months 1 week ago
52 0 0

Hello everyone,

We are developing a project for reading RFID tags with the FX960 controller and AN480 antennas in manufacturing. Since the antennas are located at specific points in the production technology, we gradually activate the antenna that should be active for reading. At the same time, we need to read the value of the tag. Currently, we only use methods for reading tags from antennas, to which we pass only the antenna number without any settings, and we call the Perform method on the controller object, which ensures tag reading.

We would need to control the power of each specific antenna to optimally read the tag (we need to individually adjust the intensity for each antenna and situation on the production machine).

 public void Start_Read_tags(List<ushort> anteny, int? 
cisloLinky, string volajici)

                AntennaInfo antennaInfo_x = new AntennaInfo();

                antennaInfo_x = SetAnntena(anteny);

                if (m_IsConnected)
                    Stop_Read_tags(); //--pouzit pri nekorektnim 
vypnuti cteni
                    _volajici = volajici;
                    _cisloLinky = cisloLinky;

                    m_ReaderAPI.Actions.Inventory.Perform(null, null, 
            catch (Exception ex)

               // Log.Write(string.Format("CATCH-RFID--Start_Read_tags: 
{0} ", ex));

 public AntennaInfo SetAnntena(List<ushort> anteny)
            AntennaInfo antennaInfo_x = new AntennaInfo();

            if (anteny != null)
                int pocet = 0;
                ushort[] antena_ID_zapis = new ushort[4];
                int pom = 0;

                foreach (ushort item in anteny)
                        antena_ID_zapis[pom] = item;


                //--------vytvoreni pole ID anten
                ushort[] antena_ID = new ushort[pocet];
                for (int i = 0; i < pocet; i++)
                    antena_ID[i] = antena_ID_zapis[i];


                antennaInfo_x.AntennaID = antena_ID;

                antennaInfo_x = null;

         return antennaInfo_x;


Could you please advise me how to implement the power settings on the given antenna into my code?

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