Tag Write Operation

// Expert user has replied.
M Mugileeshwaran Sugumar 8 months ago
66 1 0

Hi, i just grabbed the piece of code from the devloper docs, while performing the write, it giving only one beep sound, i cant able to receive any exceptions or results from the tag data, can anyone tell me what am i missing?

In my case both the TargetEPC values is the same value i want to write

I also set the antenna and other configurtions as mentioned in the docs

 public void WriteTag()
        if(mReader != null && mReader.IsConnected)
            TagData tagData = null;
            String tagId = QctrackSettings.RFIDEPCValue;
            TagAccess tagAccess = new TagAccess();
            TagAccess.WriteAccessParams writeAccessParams = new TagAccess.WriteAccessParams(tagAccess);
            String writeData = QctrackSettings.RFIDEPCValue; 
            writeAccessParams.AccessPassword = 0;
            writeAccessParams.MemoryBank = MEMORY_BANK.MemoryBankEpc;
            writeAccessParams.Offset = 2; //offset is 2 for EPCID
            // data length in words
            writeAccessParams.WriteDataLength = writeData.Length / 4;
            // synchronous write

            if (tagData != null)
                if (tagData.OpStatus == ACCESS_OPERATION_STATUS.AccessSuccess)
                    Console.WriteLine("Write operation successful");
                    Console.WriteLine("Write operation failed. Error code: " + tagData.OpStatus);

                Console.WriteLine("Operation Code: " + tagData.OpCode);

                Console.WriteLine("Number of words written: " + tagData.NumberOfWords);
                Console.WriteLine("TagData is null. Write operation might not have been performed.");

    catch(Exception ex)


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1 Replies

S Sean Kennedy

So if you are working with TechDocs and the sample code - please understand that code snippets by themselves do not reveal what you need to know / understand.

I recommend for Android Studio developers - to use / look at the 123RFID Mobile app and Source code.


For Xamarin - the RFID SDK for Xamarin Android Devices - has the sample code in the SDK - Look for the "ZebraRFIDXamarinDemo" project in the SDK.  (There is also a signed APK if you want to just sideload / run the app and look at code offline / not debugging.)



For Either - you are looking at the "Tag Write" Activity / operation - and you will then understand all the surrounding code you need to work with to make an effective RFID app.

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