TC75X -> Upgrade new OS best way for hundred of devices

E Efkan YILMAZ 3 years 10 months ago
13 2 0

we have so many (+ 700) device TC75X in android 6 .
All works fine with these devices, it's managed with MDM -> Soti mobicontrol.
I've read some article about how to update to a new OS but I have some question before to start my test and write a procedure for our technicien.
a) why i need to enter the serial number before to download the new OS ?
b) the zip files who is downloaded by this procedure (a) can be place inside some other device, because it's other serial number ?
c) what is the lifeguard ? security patch ?
d) is it better to migrate step by step -> android 7 and after migrate to android 8 OR i can installs directly android 8 on my android 6 ?
e) after have migrate to a new OS how i can return to the initial os version ?
f) perhpas stupid question, but after upgrade with mobicontrol (intent) the devices is it always enrolled on the MDM ?
thanks for your time

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2 Replies

M Matt Dermody

The last I checked SOTI is not supporting Zebra devices on Oreo with DA so you would need to also consider a migration from DA->DO, assuming you're using DA with the devices today before you upgraded to 8 (Oreo), otherwise you would end up in a state where all the devices are orphaned out in the field.

D Darryn Campbell

Hi Christophe
a) why i need to enter the serial number before to download the new OS ?
That must be the process through which mobi control works, I am unsure whey they require the serial number because the OS update is not tied to a specific device serial number.  You can download updates from… requiring a serial number, though you MIGHT need a serial number to register on the portal that would just be to confirm your eligibility to download.
b) the zip files who is downloaded by this procedure (a) can be place inside some other device, because it's other serial number ?
Technically the OS update can be applied to any device of that type (e.g. any TC52 can receive the TC52 OS update) but I am not sure if there is an additional restriction that SOTI puts on top of this
c) what is the lifeguard ? security patch ?
For more information on Lifeguard please see
d) is it better to migrate step by step -> android 7 and after migrate to android 8 OR i can installs directly android 8 on my android 6 ?
It is probably worth consulting the release notes for the specific upgrade.  I am not sure.  Personally I would err on the side of caution and just migrate step by step but that might not be necessary.
e) after have migrate to a new OS how i can return to the initial os version ?
You can downgrade (not sure if mobi control supports this) but it does require an enterprise reset
f) perhpas stupid question, but after upgrade with mobicontrol (intent) the devices is it always enrolled on the MDM ?
I'm not sure of the answer to that I'm afraid, I presume so but it depends on how mobicontrol have implemented the upgrade.

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