zt411 SDK

// Expert user has replied.
D Don Slogar 3 years 9 months ago
389 2 0

1. SDK installation: zt411_mpsdk-installer-2-15-1 requires a JVM?
>Does that imply must navigate https://www.java.com/en/download/manual.jsp? to install?
2. nu get solution installing Zebra.Printer.SDK
Error Package 'MSBuild.Sdk.Extras 1.6.46' has a package type 'MSBuildSdk' that is not supported by project
According to Microsoft this is a bug in the zebra nuget package: https://developercommunity.visualstudio.com/content/problem/609756/add-n...
>Is this a known problem or is there a fix?

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2 Replies

D Don Slogar

1. create a new windows forms app (.net framework) Visual Basic
2..do all the steps before to install Zebra.Printer.SDK
3. Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error Package 'MSBuild.Sdk.Extras 1.6.46' has a package type 'MSBuildSdk' that is not supported by project 'djsTest_ZebraSDK'.

S Steven Si

Looks like you are using Visual Studio. You can use the Manage NuGet Packages to download Link-OS SDK package, so that you can bypass the need to download the SDK separately on your computer. Hope this helps.

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