Zebra's Enterprise Keyboard (EKB) is designed to provide the most productive means possible of inputting data into Zebra devices. Building on the stock Android keyboard, EKB provides programmable keys, can switch quickly between key layouts, and has the ability to scan barcode data directly into an application. Enterprise Keyboard Designer (EKD) is a free GUI tool for Windows that can be used to create customized key layouts to enhance an application and enable efficient and accurate data entry.
This post will describe how to dynamically switch between the Enterprise Keyboard and the keyboard which ships as part of your standard Android installation.
Zebra’s Enterprise Keyboard is designed for enterprise users and built with features to enter highly accurate data fast. This video gives an overview explanation of Zebra's Enterprise Keyboard and also shows how to design such a keyboard.
Enterprise Keyboard (EKB) and the recently released Enterprise Keyboard Designer (EKD) can be used together to create custom keyboards for specific Enterprise use cases such as Function key input or custom symbol key input without making the user navigate around a myriad of symbol screens.
Deploy Layout(s)
Learn how to create & deploy the encrypted file generated by EKB Designer
Switch Layouts
This section explains the program logic involved when switching layouts with Android intents when focus of an input field changes.
Portrait, Transparent
See-through layouts designed for devices used mostly in vertical orientation.
Portrait, Non-transparent
Opaque (non-transparent) layouts designed for devices used mostly in vertical orientation.
Landscape, Transparent
Landscape layouts with a see-through background designed for Zebra WT6000 and other devices used mostly in horizontal orientation.
Landscape, Non-transparent
Layouts designed for tablets, vehicle computers and other devices used mostly in horizontal orientation.
SAP Portrait, Non-transparent
Layouts designed for apps that use the Enterprise Browser package for the SAP ITSmobile solution.
Split Portrait, Non-transparent
Portrait layout and split-key layouts designed for the small screen of the Zebra EC30 device.
Zoom Portrait, Non-transparent
Opaque (non-transparent) layouts designed for devices used mostly in the vertical orientation. When a qwerty or symbol key is tapped, the keys immediately surrounding it appear, and can be alternatively selected by dragging.
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