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Feature request: When is showed onscreen keyboard then on Navigation Bar is showed icon of keyboard as you can see here Please, can you add to MX (for Android 11,…
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Please, is it possible to disable showing active modifier keys of hardware keyboard on MC2200 on Android 11 (shift, ctrl, alt etc.) on Status bar? In MX is the possibility only change the size of…
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Please, is it possible, programmatically, to check whether Shift key on hardware keyboard is "on" or "locked" on Android 11 on device MC2200?
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We are working to modify several apps to request the MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission in order to support A11. There is an AccessMgr MX option for silently granting this permission to apps on Zebra…
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Dear Team, I want to know does this ZEBRA RFID READER SDK FOR ANDROID support the app development for Android 9 Pie, Android 10, and Android 11 OS devices. Will this android SDK works fine with…
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Issue: ScanningFrameworkAPK BluetoothScanningService gets enabled after every tablet restart even when Bluetooth scanning is disabled in settings. Hardware: Tablet Model: ET51CT Android…