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IN THIS ISSUE: Doing More with APIs; Microsoft Adds Lombok to Code; Bootstrap 5.2 Now Stable; Mentor, Don't Micromanage; Free Icons for SVG, Figma; SCM Shootout: GitHub vs. GitLab   APIs: Doing…
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In order to conduct planned maintenance on our server the developer portal will be unavailable between 10:00AM - 10:30AM CST on 26th June 2022. We apologize for any inconvenience caused. If you have…
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IN THIS ISSUE- Android 13, Beta 2 is Here; Android 13 in Pictures; Chipmunk Debugs Animation; Language Selection Done Right; Microsoft Launches Inclusive Lab; Getting Accurate Test Reports Android…
Zebra News
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IN THIS ISSUE - RPA: Old and New Again; Why Are Tools so Bad?; Moving to the Center; Post-pandemic Take-aways; Doing Push Right; When to Follow, When to Lead   Robotic Process Automation: New…
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IN THIS ISSUE: Visual Studio Drops Mono; Citrix, Tibco to Merge; Soaking Up Memory Leaks; Could Gov't Force Sideloading?; Global Tech Policy Roundup; Four Laws Complement Moore, Metcalf Visual…
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IN THIS ISSUE: Industries on the Brink; Linux Kernel Bug; Tiny JQuery Alternative; 60 Front-end tools; The 'Monorepo' Approach; Google Seeks Government Help   Four Industries on the Brink of…
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IN THIS ISSUE: Amazon Apps Fail on A-12; Google 'Font' of Knowledge; Avoiding Analytics Accidents; Grants for UI Design Innovation; Quest for a Greener Interweb; Build Better Hyperlinks Amazon App-…
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IN THIS ISSUE: Travis CI Security Flaw Fixed; Diversity Up in API Usage; Integrate Auth0 in Android Apps; Firebase Competitor Gets $10M Funding; DOM Injection Safety Tool; Chrome Keeps Pace with…
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IN THIS ISSUE: Epic Battle a Mixed Result; Apple Judgement Has Gaps; Google Fined $177M in Antitrust Case; Indie Software Maker Claims Apple Stole its IP; Android Studio Basics; Don't Waste Time on…
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IN THIS ISSUE: South Korea Bans App-Store In-app Sales; How Much Should the App-store Get?; Android Support Not in Win11; Write a 'RUSTy' Android Emulator; Chrome's Quote Card Simplifies Sharing;…