Determine OEM Version c# MC95

M Markus Windischhofer 3 years 5 months ago
9 2 0

How can i determine the OEM Version from a MC95 Device? br Markus

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2 Replies

R Richard Linsley-Hood

As Paul said, some of these things require PInvoke's. Others are available directly from the OS or the EMDK.
/////////////////////////////////////// #region Terminal information  /// /// Get the OEM string data /// ///



private static string GetTerminalInfo()  {     string szOEMInfo = " ";      string strOEMInfo = "";      // Get OEM Info  if (NativeMethods.SystemParametersInfo(NativeMethods.SPI_GETOEMINFO, szOEMInfo.Length, szOEMInfo, 0) != 0)



strOEMInfo = szOEMInfo.Substring(0, szOEMInfo.IndexOf(




return strOEMInfo;   }



/// /// Get the OS version /// ///



private static string GetOSInfo() { System.OperatingSystem osInfo = System.Environment.OSVersion;



return osInfo.Version.ToString(); }



/// /// Get the Electronic Serial Number /// ///



private static string GetESNInfo() { Symbol.ResourceCoordination.TerminalInfo MyTerminalInfo = new Symbol.ResourceCoordination.TerminalInfo();



if (MyTerminalInfo.ESN != null)   {     return MyTerminalInfo.ESN.ToString();   }  else  {     return "";  } }



///  /// Get the GUID for this terminal  ///    ///



private static string GetGUIDInfo()  { Symbol.ResourceCoordination.TerminalInfo MyTerminalInfo = new Symbol.ResourceCoordination.TerminalInfo();



Guid g = new Guid();



if (MyTerminalInfo.UniqueUnitID != null)      g = new Guid(MyTerminalInfo.UniqueUnitID);



return ("{" + g.ToString() + "}");   }



/// /// Get the OEM data /// ///



private static string GetOEMInfo()  {     IntPtr iVerMaj = IntPtr.Zero;      IntPtr iVerMin = IntPtr.Zero;      IntPtr iBuild = IntPtr.Zero;



NativeMethods.CAD_GetOemVersionNumber(out iVerMaj, out iVerMin);



NativeMethods.CAD_GetOemBuildNumber(out iBuild);



return iVerMaj.ToString() + "." + iVerMin.ToString() + "." + iBuild.ToString();  }



class NativeMethods { /// /// P/Invoke to get the SystemParametersInfo ///   ///   ///   ///   ///   /// [DllImport("coredll.dll")]



public static extern int SystemParametersInfo(int uiAction, int uiParam, string pvParam, int fWinIni);



///   /// P/Invoke for the OEM Version Number  ///   ///   ///   /// [DllImport("CAD.dll")] public static extern int CAD_GetOemVersionNumber(out IntPtr iVerMaj, out IntPtr iVerMin);



///   /// P/Invoke for the OEM Build Number  ///   ///   /// [DllImport("CAD.dll")]



public static extern int CAD_GetOemBuildNumber(out IntPtr iBuild); ///   /// Constant to get the OEM info  ///




public const int SPI_GETOEMINFO = 258;


Hi, Not sure there are C# calls to do this but you can PINVOKE some C calls to get this in CAD.dll CAD_GetOemVersionNumber CAD_GetOemBuildNumber CAD_GetLoaderVersionNumber There are some examples in the C EMDK look in C:\PROGRAM FILES\Motorola EMDK for C\v2.1\Samples\C\Standard\SysInfoSample\SysInfoSample.c also attached.

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