FX7400 LLRP disconnect / LTK Toolkit support

M Michal Drabek 3 years 3 months ago
15 0 0

#2404192 FX7400 Hello A partner  is developing an LLRP application for FX7400 using LTK Toolkit. They are able to connect to the reader but it disconnects after few seconds..  the log shows

Mon Jul 11 16:27:22 2011: I-LLRP: lrRxClose: Closing connection on fd:19

Mon Jul 11 16:27:19 2011: I-Starting EAP Mode inventory on 1 connected antennas

Mon Jul 11 16:27:18 2011: I-LLRP: establishConnectToPartner: connected to fd:19

Mon Jul 11 16:27:18 2011: I-LLRP: lrSocketConnect: Accepted connection on fd:19

Mon Jul 11 16:22:40 2011: I-Login by admin from
Do we support LTK Toolkit from Sourceforge? Many thanks

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