Hiding the bottom navigation bar in kiosk mode

M Maurizio Gentile 3 years 10 months ago
62 0 0

Hello everyone,
I would like to configure a kiosk mode with real fullscreen.

With real fullscreen I mean:
- no address bar (top)
- no status bar (top)
- no notifications (top)
- no navigation bar (back, home, apps) (bottom)

I'm using:
- EHS (Enterprise Home Screen v 2.6.1)
- EB (Enterprise Browser v
- Symbol MC9200 Handheld scanner (Android KitKat 4.4.1)

I've managed to do almost anything except the "no navigation bar (bottom)" and I don't know how to do it or if it's even possible.

Did anyone managed to configure it or have any hint to share?

Thank you.

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