Sim slot activated after insert of card shows no service

S Shahram Jahanbazi 3 years 10 months ago
6 0 0

Hi there,

I have a Zebra TC75 / TC75BH-GA11ES Android 5.1.1 Lollipop which was purchased in Denmark and using it now in Germany.
When I put my Provider sim card inside the slot and turn on, it ask for my pin number but on the top left shows "no service".
The "wwan_ui.config" file is already on the root of my SD Card and the setting in the network setting Chosen the right sim slot.

When I try to search Manualy for the provider, then after a long search shows "your sim card does not support this network"

Can anyone help why is no working?
I have tried with two other provider card and other slots and no result.

Looking forward to your answers

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