Datawedge - Unique Bar Code Reporting in Continuous Trigger Mode

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M Michal Keracik 3 years 10 months ago
3 1 0


I would like to ask if this trivial function available in Barcode Scanners is planned on Datawedge routemap at least for Android when competition has it by default sice first Windows devices?

IMHO 99% of use-cases need unique reporting (I assume that's why it became default setting in ADC).

I'm aware of new multibarcode feature (limited to 10?!) and Simulscan - but in Simulscan there is no "partial" user response (good scan beep) until all codes are scanned. And if for any reason some code of predefined quantity is not scanned it quite hard to find out which one.

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1 Replies

K Kjell Lloyd

There are some improvements done to Datawedge and should be available in Oreo OS and via CPR ( Custom Product Request) to run a custom scripts/solutions for an example advanced and robust multibarcode reading.

In these cases we you need to contact your local Sales Engineer.

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