Kiosk mode

// Expert user has replied.
M Mohit Raheja 3 years 5 months ago
7 5 0

Hi All,

I am developing a application on ET1 and i want to open that application in kiosk mode.
I haven't found anything related to this on even.
I want home button should be disabled when my application launches so that it will not go to background.

Can anyone suggest me how to do that.

Please reply as in urgent need!!!

Thanks in advance....

Mohit Raheja

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5 Replies

d daron rice

just send version information along with source code


Hey Daron,
     I believe I found the issue, It looks as though we have a bug in the EHS documentation sample.  The sample should be the following.  Notice the "i" in intent should be lowercase in the putExtra call. I modified that line in the code you sent me,and it now works as expected. I will update the documentation with this fix.

Intent intent = new Intent("com.symbol.enterprisehomescreen.actions.MODIFY_KIOSK_MODE"); intent.putExtra("enable",false); sendBroadcast(intent);

d daron rice

my issue is that it will not exist kiosk is my code


     disableButton.Click += delegate
                Intent intent = new Intent("enterprisehomescreen.MODIFY_KIOSK_MODE");
                intent.PutExtra("enable", false); // False to turn it off
                Intent myintent = new Intent();
                myintent.SetClassName("com.motorolasolutions.enterprisehomescreen", "com.motorolasolutions.enterprisehomescreen.HomeScreenActivity");

                statusBox.Text = "Disabling....Disabled";



here is the exception i am getting:

Android.Content.ActivityNotFoundException: Unable to find explicit activity class {com.motorolasolutions.enterprisehomescreen/com.motorolasolutions.enterprisehomescreen.HomeScreenActivity}; have you declared this activity in your AndroidManifest.xml?


Ah ok, i do see some issues with what you have here.  First, this thread is from 2013, and there have been some changes to EHS since then. We have recently published a new set of documentation for EHS and it can be found here.  Have a look at the Kiosk Mode section, our package names have been rebranded since our purchase by Zebra. a few years back.

Also, I'm not clear on why you are implementing a filter in your manifest.  The intent you send will be received by EHS, which is where that intent filter is implemented.

The way you have the Intents firing sequentially in that button callback may introduce a race condition. EHS will need a bit of time to receive the first intent and make the appropriate changes before you call it back to the foreground with the second Intent.

P Peter Arcuri

Not sure if this would help but there is a full_screen setting in Rhoconfig.txt:

# open rhodes app in full screen mode
# default 1 for Android up to Rhodes 2.2.5.
# on all other platforms and on Android from Rhodes >2.2.5 default 0
full_screen = 1

You may also want to investigate the Enterprise Home Screen software which locks down the ET1 from end-users navigating through the device. This is at no cost and can be downloaded from Motorola support site.… 0 558076555

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