DevBites | Nibbles of Tech Tips for Developers | The EMDK Series August 2018

Stacey Kruczek -

We are excited to launch our new DevBites YouTube series: Nibbles of Tech Tips.  This month we are covering topics related to our EMDK or Enterprise Mobility Development Kit. You can find sample projects referenced in these videos on GitHub.



Zebra DevBites: EMDK – Including EMDK Inside Your Projects

     In this video, you’ll learn how to start developing Android applications on our Zebra Mobile Devices. It will take you through where and how to install our Enterprise Mobility Development Kit (EMDK), and what you need to do to start playing around with it in Android Studio!


Zebra DEVBITES: Three Simple Ways to Get Your EMDK Version

     Learn all the ways you can get your EMDK version on your Zebra device; be it in Settings, using code or even the EMDK, discover  which approach is best for your needs.


Zebra DEVBITES: EMDK Components – DataWedge Keyboard Output

     This video covers how to use one of DataWedge’s most used features: keyboard emulation. This will allow you to utilize your scanner within your Zebra Device with little to no overhead!


Zebra DEVBITES: EMDK Components – Using Profile Manager

     This video covers how to use the EMDK plugin in Android studio to create edit and delete profiles, to utilize Zebra's Mobility Extensions and get the most out of your device.


Zebra DEVBITES: Simple Scanner Implementation in a Single Activity

     Learn how to implement basic scanning in a single Android Activity using the EMDK.


Stacey Kruczek

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1 Replies

J Juan Lara

Nice to see this. In my way to learn Android programming I found it really useful.