Industry News - Week of Jan. 10, 2022

Edward Correia -

IN THIS ISSUE: Mobile Dev in 2021; Google on Android in 2021; ADB Tips and Tricks; Improving the Xamarin UX; Do Your Devs Focus on Customers?; Use the Past, Improve the Future

photo: Emily Carroll

Mobile Dev: A Look Back at 2021 

"Year in Review" pieces are a dime a dozen at this time of year. This one dives deeper than most into some unexpected areas of a banner year for mobile development. 


Google on Android in 2021

Who better to describe the kind of year that Android has had than Google itself?  


ADB Tips and Tricks

Regular users of Android Debug Bridge might appreciate knowing how to use Google's tools to back up a phone, record or capture the screen 


Lets All Go To The Lobby GIFs | Tenor

Load Xamarin Forms Faster

Loading Xamarin Forms doesn't have to be a "wait-and-see" experience for app users. Here are some techniques for improving the user's experience when they're forced to wait. 


Do Your Devs Focus on Customers? 

Gather requirements, demonstrate features, re-check requirements midway through… developer organizations can be doing all these things while still focusing mostly on themselves. 


Using the Past to Improve the Future

Sometimes looking back can be a good way to forge ahead. Here's a mish-mash of info, links and videos from the past year to help developers forge into the future.



Edward Correia

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