VMAXSOR Retail by ConnecTalk Solutions Inc.

Catherine Wei -

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About ConnecTalk Solutions Inc.

ConnecTalk Solutions Inc. part of the ConnecTalk group is a developer of mobility application with its suite of applications VMAXSOR (VMAXSOR Service for field service, VMAXSOR Order for food distribution and VMAXSOR Retail for the retail markets. All the applications in this suite are built on Rho Elements and are available for the following platforms: Android, iOS and Windows.

About VMAXSOR Retail

VMAXSOR Retail is a mobility application designed for the retail industry; it enables superior customer experiences while maximizing efficiency and effectiveness of store personnel. While in the fitting room, customers can make requests to store personnel for products (sizes, colors, etc). These requests are electronically delivered to the mobile device of the associate.

Fitting rooms will be equipped with devices such as Concierge, that display present items through a bar code scan. Store associates would be equipped with devices such as the ET1, MC40, SB1 or iPad to interact with customers in the fitting room.

Demonstration Download


Manual Installation

Demonstration Instructions

Sample Product Barcodes



Application Type

Customer product request

Main User Interface

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Mobile Devices


Contact Information

Zebra Solution Center

Email: solutioncenter@zebra.com

Motorola Channel Account Manager



Sales: sales@vmaxsor.ca

Office Phone: 514.788.4806


Catherine Wei

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