CAPS LOCK Inversion

M Michael Holman 3 years 5 months ago
7 1 0

I have a WT4090 pilot at a customer running VT220 emulation to an Oracle app. I have to use Datawedge due to complex ADF rules. I one part of the "Receiving" application the user is required to type in a location. CAPS LOCK is required for ease of use so I set CAPS LOCK on in Wavelink. This works fine when typing in the location field however the next field is the shelf location and is scanned using CODE39 barcode. (ex 20D. (period is a character)). With CAPS LOCK on in Wavelink this get inverted to small characters and not excepted by the HOST. (ex 20d. gets sent). And of course the Intermec device does not have this issue!!! Has anyone seen something like this?  Is it possible to prevent the data from being reverted to small?  Perhaps sending it to clipboard and manipulate it prior to sending to host? I am desperate to try anything as this is the last step of approval to win the deal and kick Intermec out.   Any suggestions are welcome! Thanks

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1 Replies

K KAKD Jayasuriya

I am not familiar with Wavelink client.  Adding prefix to barcode data may help you. Select prfiles->profile0->routes->route0->process->simp[le format->prefix use \v14 as the prefix \v14 similate CAPS LOCK down in the device. Hope this help you

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