Control LED lights on a MC330X

// Expert user has replied.
A Adrian Sauer 8 months 1 week ago
52 1 0

Hello everyone,

we're currently trying to control the LED lights on a MC330X with Java/Kotlin.
We found an old article that stated, that it's possible to use the standard Android notification API for this purpose.
Unfortunately, that's not working for us.

Any idea what else we could try?

Thanks in advance for your help!

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1 Replies

E Edward Correia

Hi Adrian. Sorry you're having trouble. You might take a look at this:

These docs cover use of Android's newer AIDL spec for LED control. While the doc is intended for Zebra WS50 devices, that spec is supported elsewhere and might work for you. 

Good luck and thanks for choosing Zebra. 

-Eddie Correia 

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