EMDK integration in Android Studio 2.1.2

// Expert user has replied.
E Efkan YILMAZ 3 years 10 months ago
3 6 0

This is my first time attempting to load the EMDK and use it.  After installing EMDK 4.2 and running Integrator,  EMDK x.x. does not appear as an option in the Project Structure->App->Compile SDK Version drop-down. 
EMDK is available as an option on the menu and shows up in the SDK Manager.  But after I add the Import lines to include the EMDK classes, I get "cannot resolve symbol" errors.
Any suggestions???  Thanks.

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6 Replies


Hello Tony,  Instead of using the 'Compile Target' method, try adding the EMDK as a dependency in your gradle file for the app module.

Enable the EMDK for Android in your project

R Richard Venderbosch

Hello Tony.
Please read this Androids Blog article

T Tony Belisch

Thanks guys!   This worked.  Btw... The blog post was much easier to follow than the doc. 

T Tony Belisch

I'm using Android Studio 2.1.2 trying to compile to SDK version "EMDK 4.2 API 19" so that I can run the app on my MC40 w/ Kitkat.   I also tried just changing the target to EMDK 4.2 API 22, but get the same issue.

P Pietro Francesco Maggi

Hi Tony,
as Billie wrote previously, you don't have to compile with Zebra's EMDK as the build SDK to be able to use the EMDK library.

Personally I think that your best option is to compile using the standard Android SDK (API level 23 is a safe bet) and then include the EMDK library in your gradle file as explained in the documentation or on this blog post.


T Tony Belisch

Thanks guys.  I finally got past that.  Now I'm stuck trying to figure out how to keep EMDK from automatically changing the theme.  No matter how I set things, when I rebuild the app it keeps bringing back these theme settings which don't compile for me:

I really appreciate any help.

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