ET1N0 - Enterprise Tablet Help

G Gary Hartstone 3 years 5 months ago
3 0 0

Hello, I've been experimenting with the "Enhancement Utilities" that are available for this device. Multiuser Administrator - loads a list of users/passwords AppLock Administrator - loads a list of applications/groups allowed by the above users In the example files it shows the Administrator Group having access to everything   .* And the Worker Group having access only to AndroidExplorer  lysesoft.andexplorer.* I have configured these settings with the EnterpriseAdministrator desktop app and copied them to the devices SDcard. However when I load the Applock whitelist (using an admin user) I immediately loose access to the Multiuser and Applock applications, meaning I have to factory reset/reinstall  to gain access to them again. Also none of the other whitelist restrictions (for other users) appear to apply. There are no instructions available for these applications, so all I can assume at this stage, is that these apps are broken. Any help would be appreciated. Gazza

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