Mc65 Camera

A Abdul hamid Mujawar 3 years 5 months ago
4 1 0

Hi, One of our customer is using Mc65 for Merchandiser. They want to scan barcode of the item and take picture. They have developed application using directshow as there is no camera API for MC65. They are not using datawedge. The barcode reader work fine. But once they capture photograph the reader stops working. Is there any solution to resolve the issue. Thanks & Regards, Abdul Hamid

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1 Replies

K KAKD Jayasuriya

Hi, You may use Microsoft.WindowsMobile.Forms. CameraCaptureDialog if your application is C# Also you can refer Camera Capture sample in C++. it is in SDK samples C:\Program Files\Windows Mobile 6 SDK\Samples\PocketPC\CPP\win32\CameraCapture If you  suppose to use DataWedge, You may be use DataWedge profile switching to avoid concurrent opening camera for image capture from your application and for barcode capture from barcode scanner drivers. This may be possible if your Image Capture and Barcode Capture Dialogs/Windows have different titles. Then you can configure a DataWedge  profile to enable when Barcoode Capture doalog is in foreground. If you can use DataWedge API to control DataWedge,  that will be a good option. Then You can  easily enable DataWedge to capture barcode while Camera is not opened. Hope this help you Thanks and Best Regards

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