No UsbDiscoverer avalable in .net core.

M Matt Jensen 3 years 3 months ago
164 5 0

Trying the Zebra.Printer.SDK in a .net framework 4.7 project it works fine with version 2.15.2634 but in a .net core 2.2 application using the .net standard 2.0 version of the nuget package no UsbDiscoverer is available.

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5 Replies

G Gabriel Leatham

Also having this problem - can only access all features in .net framework 4.7. This is a major issue for our implementation

R Roger Britt

Please, please go forward and implement the needed assemblies to support .NET core! I need it urgently!

H Himadri Nath

guys do u have any timeline on this issue. we need this asap. come on help us out here

R Roberto Vergolini

I have the same problem, I cannot find UsbDiscoverer using .net core platform.
Someone find a solution?

L Lars Thomas Bredland

Same problem here. How can we connect and print using USB in .net 5/6/core?

Can’t find what you’re looking for?