Problem from API Management for Electronic Temperature Sensors

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J Jose Luis Vega 6 months 3 weeks ago
24 2 0

I have followed the steps to authenticate my application from this blog ( and have generated an API key as per the provided instructions. Despite this, when attempting to execute the "/devices/sensor-enrollments" endpoint, I receive an error indicating that the API key is missing. 

Also I followed from the ZS300 Documentation and still not working. 

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2 Replies

S Steven Si

The error indicates that the API key generated by yourself on the developer portal does not have the access to the temperature sensor APIs.

The API key for accessing the Electronic Temperature Sensors related REST APIs cannot be self-generated on the developer portal. Please email to for getting the API key for accessing the REST APIs related to the temperature sensors.

J Jose Luis Vega

Thank you, I hope a soon response.

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