Is it possible to setup my app as default?

// Expert user has replied.
K Kiril Clk 3 years 10 months ago
41 3 0

So I made an app using react native which works just fine. The only thing is missing is autostart by scan... I mean by defaul if you press scan button it loads code in to defaul DWDemo app. Is it possible somehow change it to my own app?
I'm using TC20

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3 Replies

D Daniel Silva

The reason DWDemo comes up if you scan from the launcher is that the Launcher profile in DataWedge is set up to send scan data to the intent that DwDemo is waiting for.  If your app uses datawedge and is receiving scan data in an intent, you could modify the launcher profile to send the data to your app instead.

c christophe bernard

Here is it the doc of stage now -> key mapping manager

c christophe bernard

i'm not expert but you can remap key with the tool of zebra -> stage now
Open stage now, create new profile, select target android version (4.4 / 6 / 8 ...) and choose expert
on expert mode select keyMappingMrg
you have a complete form to REMPA a button
sorry it's nos possible to add a print screen ...
Also i have never done this operation
good luck

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