Latest Discussions

How to detect EMDK barcode manager scanner beamtime timeouts in the android application?
Sheetal Sharma asked Susy Duckworth replied at Feb 20th at 15:54
41 7 0
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How to control the distance or field in which the reader scanning capacity works
Basit Hashmi asked James Swinton-Bland replied at Mar 31st at 05:11
229 3 0
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MxFrameworkService: MX Management System is initializing at this moment!
Shaun Peusschers asked Shaun Peusschers replied at Mar 3rd at 04:54
133 3 0
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Why restarts my device if I use the barcode reader?
Andreas Makkos asked Andreas Makkos replied at Mar 4th at 03:38
143 10 0
EMDK for Android No longer downloadable JCentre has closed
Samuel Doherty asked Samuel Doherty replied at Feb 14th at 06:13
5 2 0
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Get wifi MAC address programmatically
Matan Genezia asked Darryn Campbell replied at Feb 14th at 01:53
1164 1 0
Zebra CC6000 LC
Anna Evdokimova asked James Swinton-Bland replied at Jan 17th at 11:14
84 1 0
Android EMDK Stripping Leading 0 on EAN13 Barcodes
Lindsey Sleeth asked James Swinton-Bland replied at Jan 17th at 11:27
74 1 0
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EMDK Barcode Scanning lifecycle events for Xamarin.Android
Mike Bedford asked James Swinton-Bland replied at Nov 12th at 06:59
9 1 0
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TC77 connection with HS3100
Intern Development asked Sean Kennedy replied at Jun 19th at 13:22
27 2 0
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