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Hello,I have a ZD621 printer. I am using this paper: output print is…
Forum topic
Hi there, Trying to make my app compatible with RFD40 scanner too I updated to iOS SDK 1.1.68I found a strange condition in which RFD8500 is not working.More specific trigger events callback is…
Forum topic
Hi, we are trying to retrieve  bunch of printer settings but using SGD we are only able to retrieve only one setting per request, is there a way to get collective setting in a single…
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Hi,I'm currently integrating the Zebra Scanner iOS SDK with out project to allow pairing and usage of Zebra CS6080 barcode scanners. The project works fine when built and run on an iPad, but we need…
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Hey Zebra Forum,I am trying to integrate a RFD90 into our product via the srfidISdkApi and got the following successfully working:get a list of devicesestablish a connection via…
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Has anyone successfully been able to use the .NET MAUI Wrapper for Scanner SDK on IOS devices? have…
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Hi, I am developing an iOS app for RFD8500/RFD40. Is it possible to run ZETI commands directly when using the iOS SDK?
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Hi Devs and Community Experts, Below are queries regarding the Zebra barcode scanner and RFID SDK:(1) Are there separate SDKs for the barcode scanner and RFID functionalities, or is there a…
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We've having this log spammed, and there doesn't seem to be way to silence it-[mot_LEConnectivityMgr startDiscovery] Discovery is not started due to incorrect central manager state-[…
Forum topic
Dear community,For Xamarin Android development we're already using the NuGet package Zebra.Printer.SDK, but now we also want to migrate from LinkOS_Xamarin_SDK to Zebra.Printer.SDK on Xamarin.iOS. I…