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We have a Web app which retrieves labels from our shipping partners and we are trying to connect it to our Zebra ZT411 so that we can print directly from the application in the cloud to our printer…
Forum topic
I want to print some card templates using code. I've tried copying the example code from the SDK documentation, but it just doesn't work.Here's an example of the code I've tried. The code is supposed…
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.NET is a free, cross-platform, open-source developer platform for building many different types of applications..NET Framework is a Windows-only version.Where can I get Link-OS SDK that supports .…
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I have created a Discount Card application with C# Winform VS2022 targeting the .NET 8.0. I use hardware "Dual Interface Reader from Feitian". I want to replace Fetian Reader with a Zebra ZC300…
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I have read in different places about zebra printers adding MQTT protocol support.On the set-do manual for the printer, it shows how to configure the mqtt server. And if Alerts configured to the…
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Dear community,For Xamarin Android development we're already using the NuGet package Zebra.Printer.SDK, but now we also want to migrate from LinkOS_Xamarin_SDK to Zebra.Printer.SDK on Xamarin.iOS. I…
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I am facing an issue with "libZSDK_API.a" with Xcode 15.0.1 and M2 Macbook. I am getting a compilation error:ld: building for 'iOS-simulator', but linking in object file (/Volumes/Data/…
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I referred to the Best Practices - Certificates section of  PrintSecure Printer Administration Guide - Zebra Technologies and tried to deploy the self-signed certificate to the…
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We're using link os in one of our apps to print to Zebra printers but occasionally we run into this error (error log below).  We were using the 2.8.5 version of jackson-databind initially but we…
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I have a prn file of zpl code that give me the label but there is no any way to display the preview of that label to the user. I want to know how can i achive that or is there is any other way to…