Failed to run my 1st RhoMobile application

// Expert user has replied.
L Lee Poo Tew 3 years 5 months ago
2 7 0

Hi all,

I just installed RMS 4.1.1 into my Windows 8 machine (64-bit) and created my first RhoMobile Application project. When I try to run the application using Win32 Simulator, it gave me the following error and unable to run the simulator at all.

** Invoke run:win32 (first_time)

** Invoke build:win32 (first_time)

** Invoke build:win32:rhobundle (first_time)

** Invoke config:set_win32_platform (first_time)

** Execute config:set_win32_platform

** Invoke config:wm (first_time)

** Invoke config:set_wm_platform (first_time)

** Execute config:set_wm_platform

** Invoke config:common (first_time)

** Execute config:common

rake aborted!

(): mapping values are not allowed in this context at line 7 column 11

C:/MotorolaRhoMobileSuite4.1.1/ruby/lib/ruby/1.9.1/psych.rb:203:in `parse'

C:/MotorolaRhoMobileSuite4.1.1/ruby/lib/ruby/1.9.1/psych.rb:203:in `parse_stream'

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7 Replies

A Anny Wink

using the Android 4.03 Simulator the following error occured:

CMD: "C:/Users/Anna/Desktop/Rhomobile/SDK/adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20140702/sdk/tools/emulator.exe" -cpu-delay 0 -avd rhoAndroid403
PANIC: Could not open: rhoAndroid403
Warning: An emulator is not visible in adb device list. Lets start it again.

CMD: taskkill /F /IM emulator-arm.exe
FEHLER: Der Prozess "emulator-arm.exe" wurde nicht gefunden.

CMD: taskkill /F /IM emulator.exe
FEHLER: Der Prozess "emulator.exe" wurde nicht gefunden.
rake aborted!
Can't start an emulator.

Tasks: TOP => run:android => run:android:emulator
(See full trace by running task with --trace)
RET: 1
Error in build application. Build is terminated.

Don´t know what to do as the rhoAndroid403 is installed as well as emulator-arm.exe and emulator.exe.
Thanks a milln for your help

A Anny Wink

using the Android 4.03 Simulator the following error occured:

PWD: C:\Users\Anna\Desktop\App\BuFaK Hannover
CMD: rake clean:android
C:/MotorolaRhoMobileSuite4.1.1/ruby/lib/ruby/1.9.1/FileUtils.rb:93: warning: already initialized constant OPT_TABLE
C:/MotorolaRhoMobileSuite4.1.1/ruby/lib/ruby/1.9.1/FileUtils.rb:1268: warning: already initialized constant S_IF_DOOR
C:/MotorolaRhoMobileSuite4.1.1/ruby/lib/ruby/1.9.1/FileUtils.rb:1496: warning: already initialized constant DIRECTORY_TERM
C:/MotorolaRhoMobileSuite4.1.1/ruby/lib/ruby/1.9.1/FileUtils.rb:1500: warning: already initialized constant SYSCASE
C:/MotorolaRhoMobileSuite4.1.1/ruby/lib/ruby/1.9.1/FileUtils.rb:1619: warning: already initialized constant LOW_METHODS
C:/MotorolaRhoMobileSuite4.1.1/ruby/lib/ruby/1.9.1/FileUtils.rb:1625: warning: already initialized constant METHODS
rake aborted!
No Android SDK add-on found for libraries: [""]; API level: 20

Tasks: TOP => clean:android => clean:android:all => clean:android:files => config:android
(See full trace by running task with --trace)
$app_config['extensions'] : ["coreapi", "json", "rhoconnect-client", "gcm-push"]
$app_config['capabilities'] : ["push", "vibrate", "calendar"]
Using Android SDK build-tools: android-4.4W
$vendor = rhomobile
$app_package_name = com.rhomobile.bufakhannover
RET: 1
build started

PWD: C:\Users\Anna\Desktop\App\BuFaK Hannover
CMD: rake run:android rho_remote_debug=true rho_debug_port=9000 rho_reload_app_changes=0
C:/MotorolaRhoMobileSuite4.1.1/ruby/lib/ruby/1.9.1/FileUtils.rb:93: warning: already initialized constant OPT_TABLE
C:/MotorolaRhoMobileSuite4.1.1/ruby/lib/ruby/1.9.1/FileUtils.rb:1496: warning: already initialized constant DIRECTORY_TERM
C:/MotorolaRhoMobileSuite4.1.1/ruby/lib/ruby/1.9.1/FileUtils.rb:1500: warning: already initialized constant SYSCASE
C:/MotorolaRhoMobileSuite4.1.1/ruby/lib/ruby/1.9.1/FileUtils.rb:1619: warning: already initialized constant LOW_METHODS
C:/MotorolaRhoMobileSuite4.1.1/ruby/lib/ruby/1.9.1/FileUtils.rb:1625: warning: already initialized constant METHODS
rake aborted!
No Android SDK add-on found for libraries: [""]; API level: 20

Tasks: TOP => run:android => run:android:emulator => config:android:emulator => config:android
(See full trace by running task with --trace)
$app_config['extensions'] : ["coreapi", "json", "rhoconnect-client", "debugger", "uri", "timeout", "gcm-push"]
$app_config['capabilities'] : ["push", "vibrate", "calendar"]
Using Android SDK build-tools: android-4.4W
$vendor = rhomobile
$app_package_name = com.rhomobile.bufakhannover
C:/MotorolaRhoMobileSuite4.1.1/ruby/lib/ruby/1.9.1/FileUtils.rb:1268: warning: already initialized constant S_IF_DOOR

Can you help?

K Kutir Mobility

Have you tried it as guided by Bhakta ?
Thank you.

Visnupriya R
Kutir Mobility

G Glenn Sayer

Something else to try is building a Rho Simulator build and let us know if this works.

L Lee Poo Tew

Hi Glenn,

I have tried to build on all platform under Rho Simulator and also Simulator type, all came to the same error as below: -

rake aborted!

(): mapping values are not allowed in this context at line 7 column 11

Any more clues or tips on how to resolve this blockage I am facing?



L Lee Poo Tew

Can anyone tell me how to troubleshoot this error?


B Bhakta Ranjan Satapathy


Kindly follow the steps available at Rhomobile | Build for Windows to build win32 application.


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