CE.NET KeyIcons.exe

E Efkan YILMAZ 3 years 5 months ago
1 3 0

UPS would like to see the keyboard status on any screen within their application, as it works now Keyicons.exe only shows the keyboard status( Caps lock, Shift, etc..)  on forms that have an entry field.  UPS would like to write their own version of Keyicons and are asking for the source code.  Since this application should really only be using Microsoft APIs,  anything we can provide them would go a long way.

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3 Replies


I was told that ECRT owns the source for Keyicons.exe,  can UPS get a snippet showing how we overlap the SIP with our icons?


Hello Kevin, There are some keyboard API's om our EMDK that will notify you when the keyboard changes. You can use these to detect when the keystate changes. RegisterKeyboardNotification RegisterKeyStateNotification GetAlphaMode  I havewrapped these up as script commands, so know they work.


Here is some clarification from UPS How KeyIcons.exe is hooking onto the Microsoft SIP controller? What are you using to do that or how are you doing that?

Basically how are you manipulating the SIP window to cover the Microsoft Icons and display your Icons in any given instance?

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