Question on AP-5131 Antenna Diversity

A Antony Lee 3 years 5 months ago
1 1 0

Hi All I have a question about AP5131 Antenna Diversity. What do Primary Only, Secondary Only and Full Diversity mean ? From AP's manual, the description of Primary Only is "Enable only the primary" and so does the description for Secondary Only. We use a spectrum analyzer to test the output signal from AP5131. We found that if we set to "Primary Only", the spectrum analyzer can still meansure signal from the secondary port. We use direct cable to connect the Secondary port to the RF input port on the spectrum analyzer. Regards Antony

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1 Replies

C Christopher Hinsz

What level of signal are you seeing?  Full strength?  Or coupled signal from the primary cables internal to the unit?  The expectation is that the "______  Only" modes disable Diversity and tell the unit to only use the selected antenna for transmitting packets.    CSH

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