All ASTRO 25 Release 7.9 In-House Service Support Training Files are now available

S Sunil A 3 years 5 months ago
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From: Palmer Sherwood-ASP094 Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2010 8:28 AM Subject: All ASTRO 25 Release 7.9 In-House Service Support Training Files are now available

All folders and files are available in the following folder


The ASTRO 25 release 7.9 training was 50 plus hours of training and contains about 100 PowerPoint and 100 recorded presentations

The easiest way to access and actually find the files for the subject you are looking for is to open the Excel spreadsheet training outline at ASTRO 7.9 In-house_Service_Support_Training_Subjects_Outline with HYPERLINKS.xls  This Excel work sheet is searchable and contain hyperlinks by subject to the PowerPoint and recorded training files.


The question log continues to be updated as the answers to questions are received.


If you find you cannot access the files just request permission ONE time via compass and I will give you permission which will allow you to view all of the Maintainability Engineering Service support training materials.

Best Regards,
Woody Palmer, PMP Maintainability Engineering (O)847-576-8368 (M)815-378-2502

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