Package Builder UPLOAD-file with MSP

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J Juan-Antonio Martinez 3 years 5 months ago
2 1 0

Simple -and maybe silly- question. How does MSP handle a file uploaded from a terminal via a Upload file package, once this file has been FTP'd to the Relay Server?

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1 Replies

A Allan Herrod

The simple answer is, it doesn't.  Uploading files as part of a Package is a Legacy AirBEAM feature for which there is no support in any version of MSP.  There are no plans in the near future to add support for MSP to use this Legacy AirBEAM capability.  There are investigations underway to implement a file upload feature as part of a future version of MSP, but it will likely NOT leverage that Legacy AirBEAM feature but will rather use newer capabilies of MSP to provide a truly scalable and high performance solution for uploading files.  If you have specific requirements for file uploading, please feed those requirements to Daphanie Wallace so she can help ensure that any future solution we provide will cover your needs.

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