No GPI event with optical sensor

S Steve Barbieux 3 years 5 months ago
3 1 0

Hi everybody, I'm facing a problem with a RFID reader XR480 and its IO-box (DC-400 Light Indicator Box). I use the EMDK's RFID3 library (C#) to catch events of the reader configured in LLRP. I have first connected a simple switch to the IO-box's LMS port. I have used a code similar to the one of the sample (CS_RFID3_Host_Sample1) and it works : when activating the switch, I get a GPI event ( Events . STATUS_EVENT_TYPE .GPI_EVENT). But now with a real optical sensor, I can't catch the event. At hardware level, all seems OK. I think LLRP means almost no configuration of the reader. Maybe am I wrong ? Is there anybody having an idea to help me ? (not about harware but software.) Steve

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1 Replies

S Steve Barbieux

Hardware error : problem solved. Now, the question should be : "how to remove a post in this forum ?" ;-) Sorry for the mistake.

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