Fusion API's

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H Harry Banias 3 years 5 months ago
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Team, My customer is developing a new SOE (Standard Operating Environment) for their devices (MC9090's) and they are automating the installation. The only part they can't do is call the fusion API to set a username and password for the current Wireless Profile (I can create and set a profile that contains a generic username/password for deployment only) but I need to be able to set a specific username and password per device.   i.e. each device has unique credentials so that in the event of theft or some other compromise of the device they can simply disable the account associated with the device and move on rather than worry about a generic account being able to be copied to another device and gain access to their network. So can anyone help me out here. Surely this has been done somewhere around the world?

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6 Replies


Kjell Lloyd has also written a plugin for SymScript that allows you to define XML profiles and add these using Fusion API's.  SymScript can modify the XML on the fly - so you could have a config file.  You can export profiles to reg files with script commands - So can then delete any config file and make it cold/clean boot peristent.


Sure Mark.  The attached script does a lot of additional stuff, but you can just pull the Fusion configuration component out. Ken

M Marcus Kurath

MSP can do this, Maybe looking at their methodology would be helpful


I have done this before at multiple accounts using Symscript.  I define a dummy Fusion profile that has everything configured except the UserID and Password.  The script can prompt the user for the UserID and Password to use on the device.  Once this is known Symscript can run the Fusion profile editor application and walk through modifying the profile with the UserID and Password by injecting keys to move between the various Fusion configuration screens.  I also have Symscript disable the touch screen and keyboard on the device during this process so the user can't interfere with what the script is doing.  It's never failed me yet. Ken

M Mark Mann

Hi Ken, That's a great script to have.  Can you provide us the sample script you use? Cheers, Mark

J Juan-Antonio Martinez

What should this "unique" user based upon? MAC address? ESN? On the other hand, credentials (user/passwd) are to be manually entered by the user? Or only passwd (since "user" is determined by the terminal)?

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