LTE Core Power

A Aaron Claessens 3 years 5 months ago
0 4 0

This is an overview of the current power requirements for the core . See latest attachment for the details. EDIT:  Now with OSS and site information ... but we lost Device Manager EDIT: Table removed as it's size continues to grow ... 

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4 Replies

A Aaron Claessens

Updated with latest power spreadsheet

F Frank DeFazio

Can anyone verify what the power feed requirements are for the RF site equipment? From the spreadsheet provided it appears that if we use 120 VAC, the current draw is about 14.5 amps for the indoor cabinet and 15.5 amps for the outdoor cabinet. This doesn't seem correct to me since the outdoor cabinet has the AC unit which should require more tan one amp additional. As it stands I am figuring that a 15 or 20 amp circuit is what is needed for the indoor unit. I'm not sure if this is correct or what the requirement would be for the outdoor cabinet (single and dual). Is there a specification for the power distribution panel in the cabinet? ( X Amps @120 VAC, Y Amps @220 VAC, Z Amps @ 48 VDC)

A Aaron Claessens

It's complex ....  From a consumption  / battery backup point of view, those numbers are probably ok ...  From an "engineering how this thing plugs in" point of view, it's a mess.  We have currently reached out to E///  and Soro for more help in this both for Harris County as well as the bigger picture. What we know know ...  \ All versions have no cable / circuit redundancy ...  The outdoor AC unit has a PDU and takes a single "high" Amp feed that is then distributed in the unit. For Harris, we went with 240v although it takes a wide rage of inputs and cable configurations. For either, the radios can only reach max power with 240V+ ... this may not be a factor for our 20W load, but I've not seen anything concrete to date ...  So ... no we get to sizing the feed breaker ... this is where we need help. We can calculate the size needed for the power that we are drawing, but it's not clear what the maximum possible draw is, which is really what is needed for cable sizing and the breaker ... so we wait for some answers. I've attached the install guides that show the various cabling configurations.

A Aaron Claessens

Updated spreadsheet attached

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