Android IP address in Device Status screen

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E Erick Rondin 3 years 5 months ago
4 2 0

Hi, After provisionning my Android 2.2 phone with Android_GetAdapters-1.3 package, I can see the IP adress display in the Device Details Attributes. In the Device Status screen the IP address is shows as Unspecified (position in the 3rd column). Any idea on what should be wrong ? Thanks

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2 Replies

A Allan Herrod

Erick; By default, MSP does not display any IP Addresses in a column of the Device List View on the Device Status Page.  You can configure MSP to show whatever Device Attributes you want in the columns of Device List views.  So, what Device Attribute did you configure to be displayed in that column?  And does THAT Device Attribute have any value for the Android devices in question? GetAdapters provides the IP Addresses of EACH Adapter it enumerates.  This is because on some devices, there can be multiple adapters and hence potentially multiple IP Addresses.  GetAdatpers also makes a determination of which adapter it thinks is the "best" and copies information about that Adapter into a separate set of Device Attributes named "UserAttribute.AdapteBest.*".  This is done even if there is only ONE adapter detected.  By doing this, it makes it possible to display ONE Device Attribue on ALL devices that is most likely to have a useful and valid IP Address in it.  This Device Attribute would be "UserAttribute.AdapterBest.IpAddr".  Did you use this or something else? My best guess is that you requested to display the Device Attribute that was for some specific adapter name that exists on other devices but not on Android devices.  If so, that would explain why it does not show a value.  If you use the Device Attribute "UserAttribute.AdapterBest.IpAddr", you should get pretty consistent results across the widest possible variety of devices. Allan

E Erick Rondin

Alan, You were right, as usual, I was using the userAttribute.adapter.npmex5cjedi10x5f1.ipaddr . It works as design with UserAttribute.AdapterBest.IpAddr. Apologize for the mistake Thanks for your light

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