PB 3 Javascript Compatibility

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E Efkan YILMAZ 3 years 5 months ago
0 1 0

Team, The customer page which works fine on the standard IE under CE/WM is displayed incorrectly (no styles applied) and gives javascript errors under PB 3 running on top of WM6.5 MC95). What are differences in JS/CSS handling for PB comparing to the standard IE? Do we have a description of what is not supported on PB? The story is that a very big customer of ours is using a custom CE-based version of MC9090-S buying 5-7K units per year. Why CE? Because of the browser as the WM5 one was highly limited on terms of javascript. The successor of MC9090-S is MC95 which runs WM6.5 which has a browser which cannot be locked in fullscreen mode as required by the customer. So I thought that PB may be an option. Regards, Valery

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1 Replies

S Sudhakar Murthy

PB 3.0 support for JS and CSS is similar to IE mobile support on WM5.0. There is an SPR 20203 against which we are seeking MS help. Please check if it is of similar type. Regards, Sudhakar

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