Disable pop up menu in IE

P Petr Selinger 3 years 5 months ago
3 11 0

1) Case #2402456 2) MC55A 3) BSP34 4) 3 days TA from Germany asked if it's possible to disable IE context pop up menu (the one that appears when you tap & hold on web page). Is there any REG key available? It is similar to  NoBrowserContextMenu policy for desktop IE. Thanks! Petr

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11 Replies

P Petr Selinger

Hello Yosi, do you know if DisableGestures() API can be used for IE Mobile to disable pop up menu? Thanks! Petr

Y Yoseff Zlotnick

I received this info from Microsoft, but didn't tried it myself, That is what this API meant to do, you can also disable some other things with it, You can find more info here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee504053.aspx

Y Yoseff Zlotnick

Great, Let me search it a little, and I will write down my findings.

Y Yoseff Zlotnick

I forwarded this question to Microsoft last week, Still wait for thier answer.

I will update here with thier answer.

Y Yoseff Zlotnick

Here is Microsoft response:
There’s no registry key setting.


However, it appears that there is a method to disable gestures for specific windows or specific processes. I’ve been looking for something akin to sample code, or something regarding the corrected implementation, but I haven’t found anything just yet.


The reference is in the OEM docs:

Touch > Touch Reference > Touch Functions > DisableGestures.


According to the docs, using the following:


BOOL DisableGestures(

   HWND hwnd,

   ULONGLONG ullFlags,

   UINT uScope


Where either hwnd, or uScope refers to the windows or process.

My assumption is that you can specify IE as the process, and that this will disable gestures for IE.

Y Yoseff Zlotnick
P Petr Selinger

Hi Yosi, yes, that's the one.

Y Yoseff Zlotnick

Hi Petr, I think it's the same issue as in SPR 20396. If this is the case then this is the answer we recive from Microsoft then, **I reviewed our previous cases regarding this issue since I remembered seeing this before. Unfortunately there isn’t a method to remove the bubble from the IE screen. The only suggested work around is that one writes an application that hosts the web browser control which may or may not be feasible.**

P Petr Selinger

Hi Yosi, I think the SPR is referring the bottom left round button, but this customer would like to disable pop up menu when you tap & hold on the web page. I am attaching video where you can see it clearly. Is this the same case or is there anything they can do to disable it?  Thanks, Petr

Y Yoseff Zlotnick

For some reason I can't download your attached video file. But yes, the SPR I mentioned does refer to the round menu button on the bottom right corner. Did you meant to the pop up window that starts with Zoom and ends with Favorits?

P Petr Selinger

Hello all, is there any feedback on this inquiry? Thanks! Petr

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