MSP Device Filter

B Brad McDonald 3 years 5 months ago
0 1 0

Hello, How would I Filter (Device Status) for a value that reports  [Unspecified] when rendered to the web page?  MSP Also, are there any SQL tools for manual cleaning up tables and stuff?  Maybe a data dictionary of sorts. Thanks Brad

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1 Replies

R Rudra Thakur

Hello Brad,
The first part of the question where you want to filter the devices based on ‘unspecified’ can be done by the following method:

Let us say that in the MSP in the device status page -> All device list, one of the column is named  ‘ ip’. You could have some devices reporting ipaddress and some don’t (based on whether you have ‘Getadapters’ package installed on the device). For those devices for which you don’t have ipaddess MSP will be reporting ‘unspecified’.

You can create a device saved filter by going to Library->Device saved Filter->create and in the rule you can give something like this:

[userAttribute.adapterbest.ipaddr] = ''

Later go to search link (Extreme top Right of MSP console) and filter based on the ‘Device saved Filter’ you have created. It will report you the devices that have ‘unspecified’ as the ipaddress .

Hope this helps.

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