MC65 - IE general issues

Y Yoav Gottreich 3 years 5 months ago
0 1 0

Customer is working with application over IE and complains for the following: 1) script is not completely loaded and needs to be refreshed - happens to often - any way to improve script load? 2) page is not saving size. pages are too small and needs to be zoomed in every screen. any way to set pages to specific size which will be saved when navigating to other screen?

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1 Replies

M Mahesh Vittal Rao



In reference to the second point, recently we had a similar issue. What we found was, the issue did not exist on earlier version of WM6.5 (BSP 27, AKU xxxx.5.3.3), but manifested in recent AKU of WM6.5 (BSP 37, AKU xxxx.5.3.9).


To confirm this issue was a MS AKU issue and not a outcome of Motorola BSP, a testing with the cross build (Motorola’s BSP37 with MS’s AKU of BSP27) was done. With the new image thus built, the rendering of a Sample was found to be same as that of BSP27, which confirmed this issue was a result of MS AKU used for BSP37.


In another case, just a registry file resolved font size related issue, which you could probably try.

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main]

"Enable Auto Font Resize"=dword:00000000


Actual default value was 1.




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