MC65/ES400 Disable Welcome process

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E Efkan YILMAZ 3 years 5 months ago
1 3 0

Hi all, does anybody know if it is possible to disable/configure the welcome process on ES400/MC65 after cleanboot? I want to avoid the system is asking me to specify date/time/timezone and to set email and password. Any help suggestions much appreciate. Thomas  

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3 Replies

H Herbert De Jong

ES400 and MC65 only show align screen after cleanboot.


with this key you make ES400 MC65  calibration screen  look like MPA devices. i.e.  you just have to calibrate the screen and not fill in the Timezone date and Passcode screens. is documented on MSDN as well.

J Juergen Schirp

On MC75Ax and MC959x (both BSP37 WM6.5.3) I used:
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;welcome (FFFFFFFF=no calibration, FFFFFFFD=calibration only) ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Welcome] "Disable"=dword:FFFFFFFF Try search the web with this WELCOME key for more info, f.e.:

J Juan-Antonio Martinez

I would deeply discourage disabling calibration screen on clean-boot. If for whatever reason display gets uncalibrated, you will find yourself in serious trouble...

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